Hi I'm Poul Sørensen, welcome to my personal website. this is a quick overview of what I do.
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About me
I am a developer living in Denmark. I use most of my time working on projects where I primarily do programming.
Here are a few of the most fun/challangeing projects i've worked on.
- IIS7-Logging. Logging module for Internet Information Server 7, with log filtering to database.
- Wireless Access Controller. Controller solution for giving users access to a network if they can be validated on a web portal
- Mink Labels. Printing special labes for minks with ordring of the print in the most optimal way for later cutting.
- MP3Player. A homemade mp3 player for the car, in a hardware solution.
Some of the games I have created.
- ... Unannounced.
- Zero Arena 3D 3D(2.5D) Game i was working on but i cancled the development in favor of another project.
- Zero Arena Top down shooter, with levels,upgrades,clans,xp and loads of bots whats there more to want :)
- BattleShips Multiplayer BattleShips in Multiplayer. you will have to destroy the oppoment before he destroys you on the battelfield.
- Multiplayer Pong Pong clon, made with ucoolgames multiplayer API.
- PuzzleWar A multiplayer puzzle where you have to complete the puzzle before your enemy, tho you have to option to mess with the other player ;)
- Noob invaders Space invaders clon, with ucoolgames highscores.
- SimpleTetris First flash game, based on Tetris, with ucoolgames highscores.
- Tetris First javascript game, based on Tetris, with highscores and some highscore cheat detection.
- 3DEngine 3D engine based portal rendering technology, tho never got to a useable state.